Pedagogicko psychologická
poradna Brno
příspěvková organizace
The Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling Centre Brno, a contributory organization, is an independent school counseling facility with legal subjectivity. The main activities of the counseling center are diagnostics, counseling and intervention, corrective care, and prevention. The counseling center provides services to children, pupils, and students, their parents, teachers, and schools, mainly from the Brno-city and Brno-outskirts regions.
The official help desk
The Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling Centre Brno was established as a contributory organization of the South Moravian Region by a charter of 13 September 2001 entitled: Pedagogical and Psychological Counseling Centre Brno, Hybešova 15.
On June 1, 2015 the name of the organization was changed to Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling Centre Brno, contributory organization.
IZO organization: 600 034 283; ID: 70843155
Account number: KB 43-5168730237/0100
Data box: nrk5vhw
The Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling Centre Brno operates in the districts of Brno-city and Brno-outskirts, and there are five branches in Brno:
Hybešova 15
Zachova 1
Kohoutova 4
Sládkova 45
Lomená 44.
An appointed director (since September 15, 2003) is Mgr. Libor Mikulášek.

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